Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - September 26, 2022 - Take out Double



N has opened with a weak 2D bid, E has 3 4-card suits and 14 HCP and bids a T/O double. The E/W partnership has an agreement that the response to a T/O double will be passed. 

On this case, partner’s bid of 3 Clubs made 4.   

Could E have made an overcall of 2 NT instead of the T/O double?


 No, E should overcall 1NT. You MUST NOT make a TOX unless you have 3-card support for the other 3 suits and 13 points. I would bid 1NT every time. They’re going to lead their or their partner’s suit so a stiff ♣️ makes it easy.


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