Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Glenna Shannahan - October 3, 2022 - Open


Here’s another reminder of looking for opportunities to open, especially if you are in 3rd or 4th seat.

Please note that E/W have a partnership agreement that neither partner will open on less than 13 HCP in 1st or 2nd seat.

In this case, S had 15 HCP and 5 H.


 South should open the bidding 1 ♥️ (always open with 13 points), N would bid two ♥️ and now South’s stiff ♠️ becomes another 3 points and S should invite by bidding 3 ♥️ .

This asks N to reevaluate their hand by this method: 6 - 10 is the largest range we have so N would pass with only 6 or 7, bid game with 9 or T, and evaluate if his 8 points is a good or bad 8 and bid accordingly.

   Always open with 13 points and always respond with 6!!! It’s what’s expected of you by partner and opponents!

Hope this helps,



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