Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - October 3, 2022 - Preempt


S has made a pre-emptive bid of 3C holding a 6-card suit and 15 HCP. Partner raises bid to game with 11 HCP and 2C. The hand as played went down 1. 

Is South’s had too strong for a pre-emptive bid?


A preemptive bid should reflect less than a standard opening hand point count. So yes, the South hand is too strong for a preemptive bid of 3C. It is also misleading, given that a three level opening bid promises exactly a 7-card (not 6-card) suit. 

I find it inconceivable that North would subsequently raise to 5C. If these two partners have an agreement that justifies either of their bids, I would be curious to know what that agreement is. And if their bids are in fact following their partnership agreement, they should have been alerted. 

It looks to me as if NS deserves to go down three.

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