Monday, August 8, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - August 22, 2022 - Preempt opening



This hand may have needed some help with communication. 

W opens a weak 2 D bid. N overcalls with a pre-emptive 3 C bid. E has 10 HCP and raises partner’s bid to 3 D. 

S interprets N bid as an overcall (5 C and 10 HCP, not a pre-empt) and has  5 H and 18 HCP and joins in with a bid of 3 H. Which is then passed by everyone. 

During play, declarer finds he is short of Hearts and goes down 3. 

Any suggestions or was this just a “weird” hand


South was correct to expect that North overcall was NOT preemptive. Sitting South, I would expect North to have a solid club suit of at least 6 cards & opening hand strength.   

 South was also correct to bid. My bid sitting South, however, would have been 3NT (definitely NOT 3H). I would subsequently expect 3NT to end the auction.

 I would then anticipate a diamond lead, whereupon I could take ten tricks off the top. A heart lead would give me one additional trick.

Holding the North hand, I would also have overcalled 3C. I would not, however, have expected partner to take the bid as preemptive.  And with clubs as trump, distribution does in fact make it a very strong playing hand. 



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