Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - September 26, 2022 - Jump shift



This hand is presented as a reminder for players to be sure to properly evaluate their hands because N/S missed a scoring opportunity. 

S has 2 5-card suits, 18 HCP + 2pts for length and opens 1S

 Responder has 8 pts and trump support and bids 2S.

 Should S have jump-shifted into H to indicate points?

 As played, it made 5S could it have made slam?


Absolutely, South should have bid on. A jump shift to 4H would promise a two-suited hand (probably 5-5) & 19+ points which is an excellent description of their hand. A reasonable alternative would have been for South to simply bid 4S.

 If South knew about partner's two Aces, I expect they would be salivating over a possible slam. Given the 4-3 heart split with the Jack in the 4-card holding, however, I do not believe slam deserves to make.

 If North had a 4th trump, I believe slam could make with a club lead, but does still not deserve to make with a diamond lead. Nine trump tends to be a significantly stronger playing hand than eight trump.

 Ain't bridge a great game?

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