Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - September 12, 2022 - 2nd Bid - Responding to NT


W opens 1S and E is holding 6 hearts with 9 HCP and bid 1 NT. 

Should E have added the extra point for the length in H and bid 2H over declarer’s 1 S bid? 

Hand made 3 D but might have done better in hearts?


Looks to me like West has only 8 HCP, but could add 2 length points. Assuming they are playing Standard American, I would encourage them to definitely show their hearts. One option would be to bid 2H which would overvalue their hand a bit. If they are playing weak jump shifts (not in competition) they could bid 3H which would arguably undervalue their hand a bit. 

Given the choice, the better players ( with good reason) prefer overvaluing their hands to undervaluing their hands.  

As a function of evil distribution in EW hands, I do not believe NS deserve more than nine tricks in hearts. But nine tricks in hearts scores better than nine tricks in diamonds,


Ain't bridge a great game?


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