Sunday, August 21, 2022

Weekly Hand Analysis - Vic Johnson - September 5, 2022 - Responders Bidding



W opens 1 D indicating 13 HCP and 4 D, E responds 1 H w/ 8 HCP.

 E bids 1 S and E bids 2 C to indicate a stopper in C.

 W bids 2 NT which E passes. With his holding of 5H should E have bid the hearts instead of the clubs?

 Should E have bid H after the 2 NT bid?

 The bid of 2 NT went down 1


Many pairs would interpret the 2C bid by East to be "asking" about a club stopper ("A suit asks.") 

To show a club stopper East should bid 1NT which has the added advantage of better reflecting their point count (6-10).

Over 1NT, West should bid 2H to show 3-card support for hearts (searching for a possible 5-3 fit). Having found their golden fit, East should subsequently Pass 2H.

 Looks to me like EW deserve to take nine tricks in hearts.

Ain't bridge a great game?

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